Moon Calendar with specific sunrise, sunset and twilight times for a price tag of $1.99.You can also check out these phenomena specific apps: The part is that you can sync the weather info across all your Windows 10 devices. The app allows you to search for all the places you want and get the latest weather information about the respective places. Simply select your favorite color as the app background and you’re ready to go. There are 12 colorful themes that you can choose from. This is a nice feature to have especially if you use the app while you’re on the go and don’t have access to a wall socket to power up your laptop or phone. One of its strong points is its low battery usage.Įxpect it to use about 3% of your battery in a day. You can install it on your Windows 10 laptop, mobile device, or Microsoft Hub. Strawberry Weather is a really colorful weather app. Home › Software › Utilities & Tools › Windows 10 Weather apps